Samuel Orrego is an emerging animator and creative professional who brings a thoughtful approach to his work, often experimenting with techniques to challenge conventional thinking. Though he’s only been exploring animation for the past four years, it has quickly become a passion that drives his creative work. He draws inspiration from the everyday, ranging from interesting forms in design, to eerie internet posts that somehow made it past the moderation team. He often feels compelled to capture his creativity in spontaneous works, whether it be obscure renders, or doodles on the backs of shopping receipts.
Specialising in digital media, he works primarily with software such as Blender, Maya, Photoshop and Illustrator to produce his body of creative works. He has always preferred working in 3D spaces both digitally and in analogue mediums. In their creative process, he is constantly capturing imaginative ideas and incorporating them into his work to encourage curiosity and interest in his audience. An important philosophy he takes into his work is the autonomy of thought, and the importance of formulating your own decisions and opinions based on personal perspective and experience, rather than following the status quo.